Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Press Release: Call for Parkway JPA


For Immediate Release
January 21, 2009
Sacramento, California


Call for a Joint Powers Authority for the Parkway

The American River Parkway is the most important recreational area in our region, but it has been struggling for several years with some serious problems that have not been dealt with effectively, which we think can be best addressed by forming a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) to govern it.

Because of the Parkway’s unique nature as the signature park area in our region, spread out over several separately governed areas, it may be best served through stakeholder Parkway communities within the joint governing entity of a JPA

Another signature park area in our state governed by a JPA —which can serve as an excellent model—is the San Dieguito River Park.

JPA governance will give our Parkway a higher potential for dedicated management and philanthropic fund raising capability instead of having to raise taxes—particularly if the JPA supports eventual formation of a nonprofit conservancy dedicated to the management and ongoing funding of the Parkway—necessary to preserve and enhance its premier local and national status.

We will be investing the next five years in two strategic directions; one concerning the JPA, the other ongoing.

We will focus on encouraging local government to create a JPA—the one idea from our five years of research into practical approaches—that can most significantly impact the critical issues negatively impacting the Parkway.

Our ongoing work will focus on continuing to help build a community knowledge base around the results of our five research reports.

More information about our strategy, including an example of an American River Parkway Joint Powers Agreement, is available on our website.

Organizational Leadership
American River Parkway Preservation Society
Sacramento, California
January 21, 2009